Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Concept 40

2. I see that this person is smart and witty but their laziness is hindering their success. This person could be much better in all aspects of life if it wasn't for their laziness. This person would have to overcome their laziness in order to move forward at a much faster rate.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Concept 39

1. I am most afraid of not succeeding in life. In order to face this fear I would have to give up on life.
2. When I asked out my girlfriend I was extremely nervous, but I knew that I had to do so I did.
3. My hero is afraid of death. He has to face it when he is up against the wall with guns pointed at him.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Adrianna's Script

Characters 3
Entertainment 3
Use of Non-Linear 3

The script is very jumpy. The flashbacks jump from place to place very fast.

Justin's Script

Characters 3
Entertainment 3
Use of Non-Linear 3

The script is written well. Format is on point. Great conflict.

Concept 37

Man on Fire, Memento, House of Wax are three movies that totally blew me away at the end. The writers and producers used action scenes and non linear structures to detract the ending.

I tricked my teammate into believing that he had started a fire in my house by using a fog machine and a red light. This could be applied in an audience by using props and foolery.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Concept 36

The main character's conflict could easily be resolved if he had become instantly rich, had a super power, or could relive past memories.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Concept 35

1. Harry Potter , Star Wars, Spy Game, Joan of Arc, Robin Hood, Braveheart.

2. If I was in the #10 I would have to muster up all of my courage and bravery in order to fight the antagonist.

3. The last time I took a risk was when I intentionally tackled a player and was sent off in a soccer match. The player was 1 on 1 with the keeper. There was about 3 minutes left in the match. I did that for the team. The other team ended up missing the free kick and we ended up winning the match. The win was worth it all.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The best movie I have seen that has multiple perspectives is Citizen Kane. Everybody has different perspectives and stories on a single event and they are never all the same. The multiple perspectives help the viewer determine what they believe what happened. Jersey Shore and many other reality shows offer different perspectives on events. Once again this serves to help the reader determine their own opinion.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Concept 34

If I could possess any superpower I would want to have the power of learning extremely fast. In order to defeat a villain a protagonist would have to be very thrifty and use his logic a lot.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The structure of this film is very interesting. I thought the structure made the movie a lot better because it kept the audience paying attention. The structure added to the characters and theme. If the story was told in chronological order the movie wouldn't have been so interesting and the movie wouldn't have appealed to me as much. I have never seen a movie with this structure before. All the other non linear films had different structures and different plots.

Concept 33

1. I have "paid it forward" many times. For example if someone opens the door for me or some common nice deed I will repeat it to some other person as soon as I get the chance. But I don't always wait for someone to be courteous to me before I'm courteous to someone else. I often try to start people paying it forward.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Concept 32

The movie John Q is an excellent example of a movie where the plot was predominantly objective. The writes used the ailing little boy as a method for empathy. The objective didn't take away from the movie. It added a lot to the movie and made it one of the best movies out there.

Concept 31

Concept 30